Conference program 2022

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Automation & Digitalization | 10:00-16:00

Moderator: Peter Burman, Program Manager Mine Automation, Boliden

Peter Burman, Boliden

10.10-10.30 Mine of the future
Focusing on primary trends we’re seeing in the markets around automation and digitalization. 
David Hallett, Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions

10.35-10.55 The next level of digitalized mining
As a part of LKAB: s new strategy, we are committed to lead the transformation of the iron and steel industry by developing fossile free processes and products by 2045. This is the biggest transformation in LKAB: s history, and it also could become the biggest industry investment ever in Sweden. 
Sofia Nagander, Head of Digital Transformation Office, LKAB and Håkan Tyni, Head of Cyber Security and Enterprise Strategist, LKAB

10:55-11:10 Intermission

11.10-11.30 Game engines in mining
Boliden has over the past 30 years been very successful in integrating computers in our operations, thereby becoming one of the most efficient mining companies in the world. Now, we are ready to embark on the digitalization transformation, that will allow us to take another leap in efficiency. In this talk, I will highlight some aspects on our efforts in this direction.

David Degerfeldt, Program Manager, Boliden Mines

11.30-11.50 Panel discussion

11.40-13.00 Lunch

13.00-13.20 Autonomous Field Robots for Mine Navigation, Infrastructure Inspection, and 3D Mapping

The use of autonomous vehicles and robots has seen a meteoric rise in the last years, and as the technology advances it becomes more and more READ MORE »

Björn Lindqvist, PhD candidate, Luleå University of Technology

13.25-13.45 Reducing Downtime with Intelligent Maintenance
This presentation highlights the importance of reducing unplanned downtime with prescriptive maintenance. Where Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) was once heralded as the pinnacle of achievable equipment service and repair activities, reflections on RCM cost, inefficiencies, a new understanding of operations excellence and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) has led to performance and reliability breakthroughs using APM 4.0 techniques.

The presenter will discuss the new maintenance regime that arrives at the confluence of maintenance and operational activities; where both departments share responsibilities in the optimization of product output and lifecycle performance of equipment; process and mechanical.  Random failures are not exactly random. The reality is you cannot separate the process from the machine or the machine from the process – they both affect each other. The presentation will indicate how reliability is not a one machine at a time activity, but a full understanding of one machine and the combined behavior of all machines in a total system. Consequently, a significant need exists to evolve from opinion-driven estimates to data-driven AI enabled truths. Such cultural changes afford detection of different types of unexpected and undesirable events that affect missed production targets, lost tonnage, and potential safety risks.   

APM 4.0 provides the comprehensive tools to ensure intelligent maintenance arrives at the confluence of operations and maintenance departments for the “care-and-feeding” of process and mechanical assets for optimum lifecycle overall equipment effectiveness and resultant profitability.
Edward Bardo, Director of metals and mining, Aspentech

13.50-14.20 The Digital Twin for engineering and operation performance optimizations
In keeping up with society’s goal to decarbonize the global energy and consumer goods supply chain, the global mining and metals industry must rapidly evolve to align production with demand for sustainability. Given the scale of what’s coming, rising to that challenge will mean optimizing and extending the life of existing mining assets. Becoming much more efficient at validating new technologies for electrification, de-manning, or yet improved safety is mandatory to guarantee a future license to operate.
Gaétan Bouzard, Heavy Equipment industry lead, Siemens Digital Industry Software

14.20-15.00 Swedish fika

15.00-15.20 Predictive and Prescriptive Maintenance in Mining Equipment Through Advanced Analytics – Real Cases
The forced confinement brought by the Covid-19 has shown globally the relevance of telecommunication, automation and technologies for remote operation, since thanks to them it has been possible to maintain the operational continuity of mining operations with the minimum number of personnel on site. Concepts like digital twins will further help increase operations reliability through advanced analytics tools for asset and process monitoring.

There is no doubt then that the concepts of reliability, availability and maintainability of assets are being positively impacted by the digitization of mining. Thanks to the evolution of analytics based on machine learning, it is now possible to predict the occurrence of equipment failures well in advance and precisely from their online monitoring. Monitoring with these analytical techniques has enhanced what is industrially known as predictive and prescriptive maintenance, offering significant economic benefits to the industry thanks to a prediction window that allows the maintenance area to schedule its interventions well in advance, minimizing the impact on the operation and ensuring you have the spare parts and specialists to do the job. Thus, maintainers can proactively manage unforeseen failures in critical equipment and minimize unplanned plant shutdowns.

This work presents the concept of advanced analytics known as “Multivariate Statistic” for multivariable processes and its interpretation for the prediction and prescription of failures. In particular, the Hotelling Hypothesis Test and its analogy with the Student Test and the relationship between measurements and failure symptoms will be reviewed. Real cases of prediction and prescription of failures in fixed and mobile equipment, such as SAG mills, trucks and shovels of mining tasks, the prediction times obtained in days, the ranking of contribution of symptoms for each failure mode and the savings achieved. Finally, recommendations are provided for the implementation of solutions based on advanced analytics and their main benefits are listed.
Edward Bardo, Director of metals and mining, Aspentech

15.25-15.45 Mobilaris digital solution takes Boliden Rönnskär to the next level of workforce safety 
In collaboration with Mobilaris Industrial Solutions Boliden has ensured a safer working environment in the converter area. A solution that makes people aware of potential danger.
Marcus Brännström, Manager Automation & Digitalization, Boliden Rönnskär and Viktor Linde, Business Development Manager, Mobilaris Industrial Solutions 

15.45-16.00 Summary – Peter Burman, Program Manager Mine Automation, Boliden


Fossil Free Mining | 09.00-11.30

Moderator: Jonas Ranggård, Manager Boliden Mines Energy Program, Boliden

09.00-09.05 Introduction, Jonas Ranggård, Manager Boliden Mines Energy Program, Boliden

09.05-09.20 HYBRIT and the quest for carbon zero: LKAB:s transition to CO2 free production
Today the iron and steel industry is the business that accounts for the largest emissions of carbon dioxide globally. LKAB emits 700,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide totally, which is about 4 percent of Swedish industry’s total emissions of carbon dioxide and makes LKAB the fourth largest emitter in Sweden. By the year 2045 processes and products will be completely carbon dioxide-free.

LKAB:s transformation contributes to a better and more sustainable world on several levels. We will go from being part of the problem to becoming part of the solution. The quest towards CO2 free production ranges from the mine to LKAB:s future end product sponge iron.

Fossil-free steel production starts at the mine and LKAB is working hard to design the next generation of pelletizing plants. The challenge facing LKAB, and its contribution to HYBRIT, is the development of carbon-dioxide-free direct reduction (DR) pellets. This means that LKAB is examining the option of replacing the technologies used to supply heat at the processing plants, which are the heart of our pellet process. Initially by replacing fossil fuels with bio-oil and then by replacing the bio-oil with Hydrogen.
This talk will focus on the development of the reduction process in the HYBRIT initiative. Today, mainly coal and coke are used to reduce iron ore to iron. The idea behind HYBRIT is to instead use hydrogen, which has been produced using electricity from Swedish fossil-free sources, during the reduction process. The residual product is water. The technology development i crucial for LKAB in order to reach the goal of CO2 free production of sponge iron.

Susanne Rostmark, Researchleader, LKAB

09.30-09.45 Fossil Free Rävliden
Boliden’s vision is to be the most climate friendly and respected metal provider in the world. In the Boliden Kristineberg mine expansion project – Rävliden, we are taking important steps towards creating a fossil free underground mine. This talk will give some insights how diesel vehicles and mobile machines are to be replaced by battery electric vehicles as well as a sneak peek into the development of an electric-trolley truck system for underground mines.

Patrik Westerlund, Senior Development Engineer, Boliden

09.45-10.00 Sims next generation
NEXGEN SIMS will support new technologies, methods and processes that will enable a more sustainable and efficient carbon neutral mining operation. The three-year, 16M EUR, H2020 project is a European collaboration of world-leading mining companies, equipment and system manufacturers and universities. 

Katarina Öquist, Global R&D Technology and Innovation Manager, Epiroc

10.00-10.25 Swedish fika

10.25-10.45 The journey towards emission-free mining

Dale Rakochy, Business Advancements, Load and Haul division, Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions

10.45-11.00 Towards the all-electric mine – achieving the balance between sustainability and productivity targets
The energy needs of the modern mine simply cannot be sustainably met with diesel machinery alone. There must be a transformation. And ABB is committed to work hand-in-hand with our customers and partners to convert existing mines from fossil fuel energy to all electric. While still keeping them competitive and ensuring high productivity at the highest safety standards. Transitioning to an all-electric mine is going to take new thinking. New plans and designs. New training for your workers. And a whole new outlook on your operation. Building on decades of mining project electrification experience and expertise, ABB will present fit-for-purpose solutions, integrated with automation and digital systems, to plan, monitor and control processes, optimizing operations and energy usage from grid to wheel.

Max Luedtke, Global Head of Mining, Aluminium & Cement, ABB

11.00-11.15 Next generation green batteries – an anode roadmap
In light of a booming e-mobility market the industry is looking at how to optimise batteries to be greener and have greater performance. Through a combination of delivering into today’s needs and optimising for the next generation through incremental but significant gains, Talga is establishing an intra EU value chain for green battery anodes that serves both customers and the environment.  

Talga Group COO Martin Phillips will tell us about this journey, as well as give us perspectives on the R&D and intellectual property that goes into making Europe’s first anode materials for the battery industry.

Martin Phillips, COO, Europe CEO, Talga Group

11.15-11.30 Digitalization as a road map for fossil free mining
Siemens will present a digital mining approach that will educate attendees on how the latest advances in digital technology will enable them to move faster. Real-life examples of cloud-enabled enterprise data management and intelligent engineering design and simulation will show how your knowledge workers can become more effective and innovative. The digital mining organization will directly support the improved collaboration needed to deliver what the organization will ask of them and what global industries will need from them.

Mr. Cobus Oosthuizen, Country Manager and Managing Director of Siemens Digital Industries Software for Africa and Middle East 

11.30-12.30 Lunch

Deep Rock Engineering Challenges | 12:30-13:40

Moderator: Antony Sprague, Group Manager – Directional Studies & Innovation, Newcrest Mining

12.30-12.35 Introduction, Anthony Sprague, Group Manager – Directional Studies & Innovation,  Newcrest Mining

12.35-12.50 Raise Caving – moving towards Proof-of-Concept
After years of studies and a year of intense preparation, a Raise Caving limited scale trial is launched in a LKAB underground mine. The trial will be the key component in succesful Proof-of-Concept of the method in a high-stressed environment. During the trial focus will be aimed at the successful construction of the de-stressing slots (extending over height of several SLC-levels) and during production at the behaviour of the yielding pillar and consequent feasibility of ore extraction from the de-stressed pillar.

Matthias Wimmer, Manager Mining Technology, LKAB, and Markus Karlsson, Mining Advisor and Project Manager, LKAB 

12.50-13.05 Svappavaara – future underground mining. Specific problems, methods and early conclusions
Svappavaara – future underground mining is an industrial doctorate project between LTU and LKAB with two mine assets. Both Gruvberget and Leveäniemi magnetite-hematite iron deposit can be considered as a medium size, low value, and low-grade bulk material. The two deposits have different characteristics in size, shape and grade distribution. The use of bulk mining methods is potentially compromised by environmental constraints and other site specific conditions. Mining of Svappavaara deposit requires a combination of low-cost, selective, and high productivity mining methods that can be adapted according to the changing conditions.
We will explain some of the conditions and provide early concepts for such combinations of methods.

Matti Sormunen, Senior Engineer, LKAB, and David Saiang, PhD, LTU

13.05-13.20 Use of Underhand Closed Bench (UCB) Mining Method for Proactive Control of Fault Slip Seismicity at Hecla’s Lucky Friday Mine, USA
Hecla Mining Company’s Lucky Friday Mine (about 70 years old) is a deep (3000m) silver-lead-zinc mine located in the Coeur d’Alene mining district of North Idaho, USA.  Narrow (~4m width) veins of near-vertical dip were mined by underhand cut and fill method since the mid-1980’s.  The mine host rock is a heavily-foliated argillite of moderate strength which is cut by numerous sets of faults which can undergo unstable slip, resulting in seismic events that may up to about 3 Mw.  Starting in 2020, Hecla began development of a new mining method termed “Underhand Closed Bench” (UCB) mining.  Whereas the previous cut and fill method involved bottom-slicing the vein using 3m high cuts using small, horizontal face blasts, the new method fragments the vein using vertical large-diameter blasthole rings drilled in the stope floor to a depth of about 10m and strike length of about 100m.  A typical blast utilizes about 16 tonnes of explosive to fragment the ore in a confined blast.  The fragmented ore is then mucked from the top down as in a shrink stope beneath engineered paste fill.  The large volume of excavation and significant stress wave accompanying the blast proactively “triggers” fault slip in the rock mass in advance of the mining within minutes of the blast.  Extraction of the blasted ore can then proceed under non-seismic conditions.  Additionally, as a result of the mass blasting, production at the mine has increased significantly.

Mark Board, Senior Technical Advisor, Hecla Mining Company, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho USA 

13.20-13.35 Deep Mine Ventilation Challenges and the Quest for Sustainability
Today’s mines are reaching record depths and this trend is expected to continue in the future, creating more challenges for mine ventilation. Environmental concerns, changes in legislation, and increasing interest in sustainability and zero emissions encourage mine ventilation professionals to search for innovative solutions. At the same time, both engineering and regulations struggle to keep up with the changing world, including electrification of mines and the changes in climatic conditions.

In the spring of 2021 LKAB launched its strategy for totally CO2 free production by 2045. In mine ventilation, this requires changes reaching from ventilation planning to utilization of heating facilities. At the same time, both LKAB underground mines, Kiruna and Malmberget, have ongoing studies for new expansions reaching depths of nearly 2000m, leading to several ventilation questions and a new level of complexity. Uncommon conditions related to strata heat and auto-compression, requirements for sustainable heating and cooling, and expected severe stress issues in the deeps have resulted in a search for new solutions for the future mine ventilation of Kiruna and Malmberget mines.

Anu Martikainen, Senior Research Engineer for Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara Aktiebolag (LKAB)

13.35-13.40 Summary, Tony Sprague, Newcrest Mining

13.40-14.10 Swedish fika

Future mining | 14:10-17:00

Moderator: Jenny Greberg, Programme Director at Swedish Mining Innovation

14.10-14.15 Introduction, Jenny Greberg, Programme Director at Swedish Mining Innovation

14.15-14.30 Mining at High Latitudes in a Changing Climate
For high-latitude areas, long-term (100-200 year) climate predictions indicate the likelihood of significant changes in annual and seasonal air/soil temperature, the type and amount of precipitation, energy balance characteristics, and evaporative regimes. Such changes are anticipated to have a pronounced effect on the water balances of mines and the strategies to manage water, effluent, and environmental impacts during operations and post-closure. In turn, such changes pose risks to the social, reputational, and economic impacts on the mining sector. To illustrate these concepts, climate change predictions are provided for two mine sites, one located in the Canadian Arctic and the other in northern Sweden. The predictions are used to highlight the challenges associated with mining in a changing climate with regards to water and mine waste management. Methods for the development of climate-scaled water balances for mine closure planning are also discussed. The paper concludes with a discussion of the importance of, and uncertainties inherent in climate change scenario data, and summarizes the challenges and opportunities faced by mining operators in northern latitudes.

Alan Martin, Principal and Senior Scientist, Lorax Environmental Services Ltd. 

14.30-14.45 Value in waste is it worth it?  ReeMAP new industry in Northern Sweden
My reflections and thoughts regarding LKAB and Business Area Special Products work with creating valuable elements from our secondary products. The ReeMAP project will also be presented.

Lars Vikström, Chief Technical Officer, LKAB Business Area Special Products

14.45-15.00 Collaboration between LKAB and Boliden to recycle mining waste and create circular products
In LKAB’s planned process of apatite – which is an extractive waste – is reprocessed with low carbon dioxide footprint into several valuable products, such as phosphoric acid, rare earth elements, fluorine and gypsum. However, the process does not only need apatite, but also sulfuric acid, which can be produced from another extractive waste – pyrite from Boliden. By combining two different extractive waste materials both LKAB and Boliden can reduce their total waste volumes and valorize the waste into valuable and green products.

Ulrika Håkansson, LKAB and Erik Ronne, Ph.D. Research Program Manager, Boliden

15.00-15.30 Swedish fika

15.30-15.45 Water treatment through technical solutions and environmental awareness
Water is essential for mining. Both in the mining processes and when milling the ore. Responsible usage of water in terms of quality and quantity has also become a critical question for the industry to be granted environmental permits. Zinkgruvan mining AB is about to build a water treatment plant for metals, nitrogen and sulphate. While investigating a suitable solution Zinkgruvan mining is undertaking short term solutions on seepage water and has replaced critical chemicals in the process. Internal education on the water’s passage through the operation and cooperation between departments has been equally important to reduce the impact from the operations.

Charlotte Odenberger, Environmental Manager and DSA at Zinkgruvan Mining AB

15.45-16.00 Strategic and safe management of tailings facility’s is controlled by combining technical solutions and education of all personnel involved in dams
The most important instrument for surveillance of dam facility’s  is the human brain, none of the incidents recorded at site has been detected by installed instruments, or even in hindsight has no registered changes been detected. We need to focus more on educate and engage our personnel to understand the triggers and settings that lead to incidents. And also design safer dams that ensures dam safety.

Staffan Fahlgren, Responsible Tailings Facility Engineer (RTFE), Zinkgruvan Mining

16.00-16.15 European vision on responsible sourcing of raw materials
The shift to net-carbon-neutrality and technology-driven innovation in the context of the EU Green Deal and the Twin Transition translates into increasing demands for critical and strategic raw materials. Combined with Europe’s high import dependency, this emphasises the need to act and address the responsible sourcing of primary and secondary raw materials as outlined in the EU principles for sustainable raw materials. Europe’s clean, green, and digital future relies significantly on minerals and metals that should be sourced responsibly and managed sustainably along supply chains. Boosting European exploration and mining efforts (from greenfield to post-closure) and strengthening processing capabilities for critical strategic raw materials are vital steps along the path to a more sustainable future. In this context, smart solutions to i) achieve a more targeted and cost-effective exploration and quicker transition to operation; ii) reduce the environmental footprint of mining and processing, and iii) to improve the efficiency of mineral and metallurgical processing are at the core of the activities of EIT RawMaterials.

Patrick Nadoll, Senior Advisor – Exploration and Resource Assessment at EIT RawMaterials

16.15-17.00 Responsible Mining – A Global Challenge – paneldiscussion
European companies are faced with a rapid expansion of regulatory requirements for the responsible production and sourcing of raw materials. Customers and investors will require up-to-date and credible data on responsible practices for copper and other raw materials in their products. In this paneldiscussion, we look to explore:
– How can voluntary standards support European companies’ in meeting regulatory, investor and customer demands?
-What role do voluntary standards play in promoting responsible practices across the mining industry and globally?
-What tools are available to companies to demonstrate responsible practices and how do these fit together?
-What is your view on legislation related to responsibly sourcing? Can we speed up and increase responsible sourcing world-wide with more extensive legislation, is it possible?
-Is there a risk that voluntary standards are used for green-washing?
-Responsible sourcing is by many considered business-critical. But, do we really se the end-customer demand for responsibly sourced products? How can we push this demand?

Patrick Nadoll, Senior Advisor Exploration and Resource Assessment at EIT RawMaterials, Michèle Brülhart, Executive Director of the Copper Mark, Klaudia Michalska, Impacts Analyst at Aluminium Stewardship Initiative, Elin Eriksson, Director Key Accounts and Assignments at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Alexander Graf, project manager and research fellow at Vienna University of Economics and Business


Mining & society | 09:30-12:00

Moderator: Emma Härdmark, Director of Communications, Svemin

09.30-09.35 Introduction, Emma Härdmark, Director of Communications, Svemin

09.35-09.45 Efficient permit processes result in stronger mining nations
If Sweden is to remain a leading mining nation it is an essential prerequisite that permit processes are efficient, predictable and legally secure. In recent years Sweden’s permit processes have been a hot topic, whilst the pandemic has led to delays and discussions in contractual relationships.

Pia Pehrson, Partner at Foyen Advokatfirma, will give concrete suggestions on how permit processes can be streamlined to become faster and more predictable, and tips on how the effects of the pandemic can be taken into account in contractual relationships.

Pia Pehrson, Partner at Foyen Advokatbyrå

09.45-09.55 A mineral strategy for the North Calotte (Cap of the North)
The North Calotte Council is leading an initiative to develop a regional Mineral Strategy. This presentation will outline how the work has been performed and provide an update on the status and achievements.

Hakan Tarras-Wahlberg, Managing Director at Swedish Geological AB and Chairman at Georange

09.55-10.05 Why do we need mines? – How do we get social acceptance and permits for mineral extraction
To reach a net zero world there will be a need for 6 times more minerals. Recycling will not be enough, so there will be a need for more mines and primary raw materials. But how do we get the social acceptance and the permits the mining sector needs? This presentations gives an overview of the need for minerals and suggestions for a more effective permitting processes.

Tobias Kluge, Director of legal affairs, Svemin

10.05-10.30 Panel discussion
Pia Pehrson, Partner at Foyen Advokatbyrå, Hakan Tarras-Wahlberg, Managing Director at Swedish Geological AB and Chairman at Georange, Tobias Kluge, Director of legal affairs, Svemin

10.30-11.00 Swedish fika

11.05-11.20 Biodiversity boost – net gain by 2030 for all Swedish Mines!
”The Swedish mining and minerals industry’s target is by 2030 to contribute to a biodiversity net gain in all regions where mining and minerals operations and prospecting take place.” This is probably the first road map of its kind for mining industry in the world. A bold target and a positive challenge.

Kristina Branteryd, environmental expert, Svemin, Annika Zachrisson, expert in sustainability, LKAB and Anders Forsgren, senior project manager, Boliden

11.20-11.35 Biodiversity boost demands a metric on Biodiversity for changing landuse –  CLImB 
The Taxonomy, Restauration Targets, offsets etc demands a transparent, science based and well-established metric for biodiversity. CLImB (Changing Land Use Impact on Biodiversity) project is developing a standardized and well-established metric to evaluate biodiversity in connection with changed land use. The method will give the opportunity to quantify and credibly communicate the direct impact on biodiversity.

Kristina Branteryd, environmental expert, Svemin, Annika Zachrisson, expert in sustainability, LKAB and Anders Forsgren, senior project manager, Boliden

11.35-11.50 Mining and Society – A Global Discussion
We are witnessing colossal societal change. Fundamentally, the social contract between people, governments, companies and investors is being re-written.  In this presentation, we aim to give insight into the global discussion on how society and the mining sector are developing alongside each other: What are the global trends shaping the mining sector? And, in turn, how is the industry influencing global developments?   We will do this by drawing from video and podcast interviews produced for our platform, Highgrade is a not-for-profit organisation established exclusively to disseminate ideas, knowledge and best practice in the natural resources sectors, all with the aim to advance discussions on how best natural resources can contribute to sustainable economic development.   Since the establishment in 2017, Highgrade has grown into an important online depository of specialized opinions and analyses. In our interviews we explore the ideas and experience of leaders, researchers and practitioners and over the years Highgrade has captured a wide range of views – from academia to the World Bank to CEOs of mining companies to indigenous leaders. As such, Highgrade is in a unique position to present a curated view of the current global discussion.

Åsa Borssén, Program Coordinator and host, Highgrade Media

11.50-12.00 Summary and closing, Emma Härdmark, Director of Communications, Svemin


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